The movie star Jayne Mansfield kicked off Sparta - DOS in 1957. A photo of this legendary moment, taken by photographer Kees Molkenboer, has been transformed into a billboard and was attached to the facade of the new Schieoevers building in Spangen. At the initiative of artist Hans Citroen and under the auspices of CBK Rotterdam, this artwork has brought an important event in Rotterdam's urban history back to life. In October 2004, 'Sparta legend' Tinus Bosselaar unveiled the artwork amid music and cotton candy, after which Jules Deelder spoke, artist Henk Tas played pictures from 1957 and films with Jayne Mansfield were shown in a party tent, including the entry of Jayne Mansfield in Rotterdam from the Polygoonjournaal. It was a startling event in 1957 that those present can still remember very well. In a tight pencil skirt and heels, the movie star kicked the ball away from the turf in Het Kasteel. Then she kissed the keeper in the mouth, who, according to her own and others say, was little impressed. The football match itself then ended badly for the Rotterdammers. DOS won 7-0 against Sparta. Also in the audience was a thirteen-year-old Jules Deelder in the grandstand, who later described his memories of the blond vamp's appearance in 'Busy Days'. At the unveiling of the billboard, he recalls how the footballers reacted to her presence. The program was part of the festive weekend 'Buurtbios Spangen 2004'. The project was realized with the cooperation of: Mecanoo Architects, WoningBedrijf Rotterdam, Het Kasteel Primary School, Delphi Opbouwwerk. In early 2017, the work was blown off the facade during a storm.