On December 7, 2022, a colorful artwork by artist Dora Dolz was placed on the walking path along the Heemraadsingel near the De Vliegerstraat. The sculpture is a cheerfully colored ceramic armchair and is titled The cornucopia. In 1999 art collector Jan Gulmans commissioned Dolz to make the chair for his company. Due to a move, Gulmans decided to donate the 850 kilo artwork to the Dolz family, who responded very gratefully. The daughter of Dora, who died in 2008, Sonia Dolz, wanted to place the work near Dolz's former studio and home and contacted BKOR. From The cornucopia you look straight at the former studio and the last home of the originally Spanish Dora Dolz. There are now eight colorful armchairs or chaise longues in various places throughout Rotterdam.