At the end of March 2007, Orhan Kaya (alderman for Participation & Culture) unveiled a fishing pier at Venkelsingel in Hoogvliet. The fishing pier with the title Reflections was designed by the artists / designers Bisscheroux and Voet. In 2002, the outside space of Venkelsingel was given a new design. Hoogvliet wanted to offer the residents, and especially the fishermen among them, a meeting place on the water. The Center for Visual Arts Rotterdam invited Jeroen Bisscheroux and Michiel Voet to make a design that could serve as a prototype for other places along the water in the future. The artists have made a design for a place to stay with multifunctional use. Different places of residence can be assembled from seemingly neutral building elements, which can again be of different significance and nature. The wooden fishing pier is placed on the slope of the canal, in the bend of a widened section. "Do nothing. Passing the time. It seems like a scarce commodity at this time. Design a place to activate idleness. It is a paradox that really appeals to us. Organizing a place to look at the water, to fiddle, to chat. Watching a bobber, watching the reflections in the water. Meet up with a loved one. Even boredom has a valid alibi to exist. But a chance meeting or a staged conversation can also be the use of Reflections ”, Says Jeroen Bisscheroux and Michiel Voet.