The works of art by artist Dora Dolz (1941-2008) are characterized by color, warmth and an abundance of lush, voluptuous shapes. Dolz grew up in Barcelona and came to Rotterdam in 1965. Her typical armchairs, several of which have been placed in Rotterdam, literally and figuratively formed a counterweight to the dull colorless Dutch climate. On the initiative of the artist herself, she created these two ceramic facade reliefs in 1981 for the Rotterdam Art Foundation. The works have been applied to the end walls of the Belgischestraat and the Finsestraat, but they can be seen from the sports and playground area on the Russianestraat. On the residential block on Belgischestraat, you see a yellow square frame measuring seven by seven meters. In it, a table with a plant is depicted in a graphic way. The square frame on the residential block on the Finsestraat is made of blue ceramic. It depicts an ice cream. In this work, Dolz has magnified everyday life, adding cheerfulness to the street scene.