About BKOR

Visiting address

Eendrachtsstraat 10
3012 XL Rotterdam

PO Box

P.O. Box 23007
3001 KA Rotterdam


This website is under development and is being expanded. Attempts have been made to retrieve copyright holders of images. Those who believe they can still claim certain rights are requested to contact BKOR.
All rights reserved. Nothing from this website may be reproduced and/or made public in any way without written permission from CBK Rotterdam.

For more information about our privacy statement, please refer to www.cbkrotterdam.nl/over/privacy-statement/
© 2018

Visual Art & Public Space

There is no city in the Netherlands with so much visual art in public space as Rotterdam. BKOR manages and renews the extensive city collection in collaboration with involved Rotterdammers, companies and institutions. BKOR manages and maintains more than 450 works of art from the Rotterdam sculpture collection and advises the municipality, citizens and artists on the realization, placement, relocation and remediation of public works of art. BKOR mediates between the city's demand for art and city beautification and the supply of (Rotterdam) artists. BKOR is a knowledge and documentation center with regard to all public works of art in Rotterdam and provides the program for this purpose, among other things Z-Files, Art and the City in collaboration with Sculpture International Rotterdam (SIR), programs of CBK Rotterdam.  

Z-Files, Art and the City is a program in which art, public space and the city are discussed through lectures, events, presentations, manifestations, guest lectures and excursions. The aim of the program is to bring attention to the special collection of artworks in the public space of Rotterdam and to highlight current developments in the city. Z-Files, Art and the City stands - with the dynamic Z (from Zadkine) in the logo - for a program of reflections on the activities of BKOR and SIR, which can also be seen and read in the newspaper.

Marjolijn van der Meijden
Project leader m.vandermeijden@bkor.nl
Sannetje van Haarst
Production coordinator SIR & BKOR s.vanhaarst@bkor.nl
Nienke Post
Collection, agency & website BKOR n.post@bkor.nl
Isa Leijdekkers
Junior project leader BKOR i.leijdekkers@bkor.nl
Jeanine van Berkel
Communication BKOR j.vanberkel@bkor.nl


This website is under development and is being expanded. Attempts have been made to retrieve copyright holders of images. Those who believe they can still claim certain rights are requested to contact BKOR.
All rights reserved. Nothing from this website may be reproduced and/or made public in any way without written permission from CBK Rotterdam.

For more information about our privacy statement, please refer to www.cbkrotterdam.nl/over/privacy-statement/
© 2018